Record Retrieval

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Information Security

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Health Facilities

Record Retrieval

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Health Facilities

Information Security

Record Retrieval

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Information Security

Information Security

At YoCierge, we live and breathe information security. We not only advise and consult with our clients on best practices, relevant standards, and important federal and state regulations, but we adhere to the highest level of security in our own operations as well.

ISO 27001:2022

ISO 27001 Information Security

We are certified for the ISO 27001 information security standard when handling our clients' PHI and ePHI documents as part of our record retrieval services. Our company has a Certified ISMS (ISO 27001) Lead Auditor on staff to ensure we conform with the standard.


SOC2 Controls Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality or Privacy

We are certified to have the controls relevant to security, availability, and processing integrity to process medical and other records by AICPA SOC2 Type 2 standard.

ISO 22301 Business Continuity

We are certified for the ISO 22301:2019 business continuity standard to ensure we are prepared and confident to handle disruptions of any type. Our company has a Certified BCMS (ISO 22301) Lead Auditor on staff to ensure we conform with the standard.


HIPAA Compliance

We comply with HIPAA and NIST 800-66 to ensure compliance when handling our clients’ PHI and ePHI documents. Our company has Certified HIPAA Professionals (CHP) acting as HIPAA Privacy and Security Officers.


NIST Compliance

We comply with the NIST 800-53 standard to provide the highest standard of document security control. Our company has a Certified Security Compliance Specialist (CSCS) on staff monitoring constant compliance with relevant federal and state standards.